Vitality360’s Advantage


Corporate Vitality
Win-win proposition
Power of Nutrition
Let’s Get Physical and Active 
Positive Advantage

Vitality creates positive influences on productivity and overall organizational culture, performed by experienced health professionals including:

— Nutritionists
— Kinesiologists
— Psychologists
— Certified Coaches.

We deliver in-depth health awareness customized for your success.

Importance of Corporate Vitality

  • Effective workplace wellness programs have become an essential and cost-effective core business strategy.

  • Leaders realize intuitively that wellness is a good investment for health and productivity.

  • Making people aware of their option to live a higher quality of life gives them the choice to start to improve their health.

  • Far reaching positive impact on the employee experience resulting in improved overall organizational performance.

Win-Win proposition

  • When investing in the health of you workforce, employees in turn show a willingness to reinvest in the organization.

  • Employers win with happier and healthier employees and at the same time contribute more and improve results.

  • Until recently wellness was considered nice to have and now these initiatives have become strategic best business practices.


  • “You are what you eat and drink”

  • Healthy nutrition is essential to creating the foundation for establishing healthy lifestyles.

  • Provides energy so the body can perform vital functions and encourages people to be physically active.

  • Studies show a “brain on healthy food” improves how someone thinks, feels and ultimately performs.

  • As a result of nutrition, we are able to optimize our physical and mental capabilities resulting in happier and fuller lives.


  • “Use it or you’ll lose it”

  • Being active combined with healthy nutrition are two important ingredients for living the best life possible.

  • Increase’s production of hormones that make you feel happier and sleep better.

  • It uses and strengthens muscles and can increase your energy levels.

  • Improves blood flow to the brain helping in maintaining brain health, memory, and protects mental functions.

Proven life changing ways to work better


Positive Advantage


Once you have upgraded your nutrition and activity level, this will help you increase your optimism and confidence. Using Positive Psychology we can find ways to improve and nurture our state of mind:

  • Find a sense of meaning and purpose in life

  • Handle emotions better

  • Build resilience

  • Mental flexibility to learn new skills

  • Build and maintain healthy relationships

  • Every aspect of your health from the inside out is improved when enjoying the power of healthy nutrition, an active lifestyle, and a positive outlook on life. Enhancing further your mental health just got easier!